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Four Simple Steps to Start the Year on the Right Financial Foot

Intelligent Investing

Four Simple Steps to Start the Year on the Right Financial Foot

“Remember that small steps can create giant leaps over time, so never think of any financial or spending matter as a small one.” (David Bach)

Here are four ideas to start your year on the right financial footing.

1. Review how you spent your money in 2022

Look at your bank statements and see how you feel about where your money went last year. Does anything stand out? Are there any obvious places where you feel straight away that you’ve spent too much? Unfortunately, it is the one area where we have to look back to move forward. 

Changing your spending habits starts with being conscious of where your money is going and what’s important to you. If you’re spending too much on things that don’t make your life better, make a commitment to change that.

2. Do you have a backup plan?

If something were to go badly wrong, would you be able to survive financially? If you lost your job, had a debilitating accident or fell terribly ill, do you have an emergency fund and enough insurance to cover you?

No one likes to think about these possibilities but take some time to think about what you would need in a situation like this and what cover you currently have. If something did go wrong, you’ll be extremely grateful that you had a backup plan in place.

At Silverspoon WE always plan for the plan not going according to plan.

3. Check your debt and your credit status

With the cost of living rising, it can become difficult to meet your monthly expenses. Unfortunately, this means many people take on more debt.

The start of a new year is a good time to review how much debt you have, how much it is costing you to pay off every month, and whether you are taking on more than you can manage. The credit bureaux also allow anyone to get one free credit check every year. Visit one of their websites and check your score to see where you stand.

4. Set up debit orders for your savings and investments

The best way to make sure you are consistently growing your wealth is to make monthly contributions into your savings and investment accounts. And if you haven’t done so already, it’s best to automate this so that the money goes out of your account before you’ve even noticed it’s there.

Essentially, you are paying your future self. Don’t let your current self be tempted into thinking that they could spend this money instead. If you never see the money in your account, you’ll never miss it. And your future self will thank you. 
YOU should look to be topping up all your investments to offset inflation and costs yearly.

To discuss your financial situation, speak to a professional.

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